Manchester is fantastic

Dear, Ms.Yoon.

I’m very happy to write this letter. Actually as you know, I couldn’t use computer (I could use computer but I can’t see Korean) so I couldn’t do anything. I’m sorry for ignoring your e-mail.

Actually, before I departed from Korea, I really envied other people who wrote these kind of letter in English. So I wanted to have a chance to write these kind of letter. Finally, I found the chance so I’m very glad.

Before I departed from Korea, you, I and my family was really worried about a visa. By good luck, I could get a visa so I also could depart on time.

When I first arrived here, I missed the man who have to pick me up so I was very confused. So I called you through my family at 4 A,M. I’m still sorry about that. By your help, I arrived here safely.

The first day in Manchester academy of English was exciting. I had got a small test and they let me very low level. So I complained to the accomidation and they let me go my class up. That time, I couldn’t speak only a few word (not a sentence). So I think that was the hardst job in Manchester.

But the academy was disappointed. Facilities was normal, but the most important things that lessons and social programs were really terrible. The relationship between teacher and academy was horrible. So I think it would be very bad if I paid for a long time.

However, by good luck I met very very very very very good host family. They are mot married couple. They are just engaged couple. But they are really nice british people and they teach me English a hour per a day. So they are the helpful people to improve my English. Now I can speak english much better than 2 months ago. Also, that’s why I gave my dormitary up and decided to live here until December.

And I went to Paris during Easter Egg Holidays. I made a french friend who went back to France. I was really close to that guy so he invited me in Easter Egg Holidays. Paris was really nice. I took lots of picture. I’ll attech some pictures.

Now, I am very happy in Manchester. This monday I moved to University of Manchester and yesterday, I was elected the captain in my class. There are about 800 students in LanguageCenter. And also there are 14 people in our class. But the nationality is not various. Half are Japanese and about 20% are Korean. Others must be Arabian or Chinese. There isn’t any Europian.

It is very hard to write down in English. I think there are so many mistakes. It can be grammer and vocabulary and so on. Please forgive me if I made so many mistakes. If you find mistakes, please let me know. I spent about 20 minutes for writting this letter.

Anyway, it’s time to go home. I pray you are all right and you’ll have good luck. If I’ll have enough time, I’ll try to write these kind of letter again.

Best regard.
안녕하세요 우성씨~<BR><BR>저희가 저번에 작성해주신 학교 평가서 올릴려고 했었는데, 여기에도 글을 써주셨네요. 여기에 써주신게 더 재밌고 좋은데요 ^^ 시간 내어서 작성해주셔서 감사합니다.<BR><BR>프랑스 친구도 사겨서 부활절에 놀러도 가시고 정말 재밌게 지내시네요.<BR><BR>Manchester Academy에 대한 내용은 저는 사실 좀 혼동돼요. 제가 우성씨의 이런 학교 평가에 대해서 학교에 얘기를 했는데, 우성씨가 좀 전에 Manchester Academy에 다녀갔다면서 시설도 그렇고 국적비율도 그렇게 맨체스터대학교 부설에 등록하지 않았다면 여기를 계속 다녔을거라고 얘기하셨다고 해서요. 그냥 예의상 말씀하셨을지도 모르겠네요 ^^;<BR><BR>암튼 맨체스터 대학부설에서 반장까지하시고..대단하세요~ ^^<BR>대학부설은 아무래도 사설어학원과는 많이 분위기가 다를거에요. 본인 스스로 챙겨야 하는 부분도 많고 수업 내용도 좀더 아카데믹할꺼에요. 하지만 좀 더 수준 높은 영어를 배우기 위해서는 대학부설도 좋다고 생각됩니다 ^^<BR><BR>즐겁게 생활하시고 자주 연락주세요. 파리 사진도 잘 봤습니다~. 담엔 맨체스터 사진도 좀 올려주세요~~<BR><BR>감사합니다!!<BR><BR><BR>
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Manchester is fantastic
Dear, Ms.Yoon.I’m very happy to write this letter. Actually as you know, I couldn’t use computer (I could use computer but I can’t see Korean) so I couldn’t do anything. I’m sorry for ignoring your e-mail.Actually, before I departed from Korea, I really envied other people who wrote these kind ..
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ㅎㅎ 윤세연씨 안녕하세요..^^
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