INTO University of East Anglia 학생 인터뷰


Ms KIM, ***

Academic English  March – October 2008


Considering the UK

I chose to study in the UK because I have always been interested in the UK since I was a child. I thought that it would be unique to study English in the UK because a lot of Korean students go to America. I thought it would be nice for me, as I wouldn’t have much chance to speak Korean. I found INTO University of East Anglia on the internet. I was looking for good schools, which teach English in the UK. I wanted to avoid London and also wanted to study English in a university, not in a language school.


Did you use an Educational agent?



Yes I used an agent. There are not many agents who deal with INTO so I contacted a Korean friend who lived in Norwich and he recommended an agency.


Student Visa application


My agent really helped me a lot to prepare for my visa interview. I really didn’t know how to do it and they told me what documents to prepare – especially finance documents. That was the most important thing because I had to prove I had enough money to live for four or five months in the UK. The visa interview process was quicker than I expected. It didn’t take a very long time.


University of East Anglia and its location


INTO UEA is quite near to Norwich City Centre. The campus is surrounded by trees and greenery. It also has a lake, which I like most. I often go to the lake when the sun is shining.  In my home country the university is in the city and there is not much greenery. Here it is very calm and there are lots of parks.  I think it is a good place for students to come and study.


Campus Facilities


I use the library most of all. It is open for 24 hours and I can use the internet when I like. I also like the Union pub – every students’ favourite place! It’s cheap too!


Learning English


In Korea we learn America English. When I started to learn British English, I found it interesting, not difficult, but interesting because it was so different.



I study Academic English with INTO. In the morning classes we study speaking, grammar and vocabulary. I think vocabulary can be the most difficult to learn.




I have one morning class teacher who is also my tutor. She cares about my whole life in the UK, not only about the classes. 



I recommend for students to bring a raincoat !


Arrival and Induction Programme


I arrived at Norwich Airport, which is very close to the university. It was late at night when I arrived but my homestay host was still awake and waiting for me, which was really nice.  I was really afraid about my first day at INTO because I didn’t know how to start my new life here.  On the first day we had orientation.  Student Services showed us around the campus, which was very helpful as I didn’t know where anything was or how to use the facilities. On the second day we had a tour of Norwich City Centre, which was also good. I was really worried about how to use my mobile phone, and how to take a bus, but Student Services showed us all the important places in the city centre. After the first couple of days I felt much happier and felt that I could ask staff if I had a problem.


Homestay Accommodation


I was very worried about living in homestay accommodation, as I had heard that some students have had bad experiences in homestay. However my host mum was really nice. She was a retired woman and she lived alone. There was one other INTO student from Taiwan who lived there.  She was nice too so we always walked to the university together. My host was always worried about me. She gave me good advice about safety – told me to stay with my friends. She cared about my health and what I ate. She was really nice. After I moved to a private house, she invited me back for dinner on several occasions.  It was a good experience. I think students will find settling in to their new life much easier if they live in homestay accommodation rather than residence to begin with.


British People


British People are very polite ! They always say thank you. I have not had any problems with them since I have been here.



Leisure Time


We often go on day trips to Cambridge. Sometimes we take part in the organised Social Programme but also we organise trips ourselves. Actually I went to London recently with my friends. INTO Student Services gave us information on where to stay and what to do which was very helpful. We often go travelling because Norwich station is very close and it’s easy to travel around the UK from Norwich.







Very changeable ! When the weather is bad, it’s really not good. But when the weather is good – it’s perfect ! The sun is strong but it doesn’t come out often!


Health and Medical Care


I did have to visit the medical centre on campus to get my NHS number. It was very convenient.




Food prices are not extremely expensive but still expensive. In Korea we can find cheap restaurants but here they are all more expensive.  Sometimes we do go out to eat.  Norwich has lots of international restaurants so they is good choice.




The shopping in Norwich is perfect. In the city centre there are lots of stores and they are all contained in a small area so it’s easy to walk about. 



At first I didn’t feel homesick because it was so exciting.  After four/five months I started to feel homesick. My friends experienced the same thing after five months. I think this is the hardest time for students. But maybe after that has passed you get used to life in the UK and feel happy.


Would you recommend INTO UEA to potential students


Definitely. I have really enjoyed my time here. I think that I made a good choice with INTO UEA and I recommend students to study here. Some students choose to go to language schools but I think studying in a university has many more benefits.  INTO has really helped me by giving me confidence and motivation to learn English. 




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INTO University of East Anglia 학생 인터뷰
INTO University of East AngliaStudent Testimonial Interview Ms KIM, ***Academic English March – October 2008 Considering the UKI chose to study in the UK because I have always been interested in the UK since I was a child. I thought that it would be unique to study English in the UK because a lot o..
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