INTO City University London 신** 학생 인터뷰


*** Shin

Country: South Korea

INTO course: Foundation Business, Humanities and Social Sciences

Proposed degree: BSc Banking and International Finance, Cass Business School

Anticipated graduation: 2014


Why did you decide to study at INTO City University London?

At first, I wanted to study media so I came to the UK and studied English, and then I changed my mind to study business because London is a hub of finance.

That is also the reason why I chose the INTO City centre because Cass Business School is one of the most reputable business schools in London and also in the world.


What do you like best about studying at INTO now you are here?

The lectures are very good! Also there are a lot of students from other countries, that’s another good thing. I have met a lot of other international students from different cultures. I can understand their culture and they also can understand my culture.

I can access the facilities at City University, the INTO Centre is very close to City University so it’s very accessible. When I want to study in City’s library it takes about 5 minutes on the bus.

Also I like the academic culture in the UK, because in Korea the lecturer will bring all the stuff, hand it out, you memorise and that’s all, but in the UK I need to analyse, and I need to



Do you have a favourite lesson?

Actually I love all of them, especially Business and Accounting. My favourite lecturers are Kitching and Mohammed.


How do you think your studies are going?

I got a very good score in the first term so I feel that it is going really well and I feel very satisfied with my studies.



What career do you want to go onto?

I am applying to do Investment and Financial Risk Management at Cass Business School. It is a very specific and focused subject, so my career will be in investment banking or finance. I need to prepare more but I feel very confident.


Do you take part in any social activities?

I have various activities, such as playing football every weekend with City University students and I am also part of the Christian Union at the University.


What advice would you give to new students?

I would recommend playing any sports or exercise as it can really help with homesickness. Also to make some new friends of different cultures, as well as some Korean friends, it should be balanced not biased either way, a balance is helpful.


What do you like about living in London?

Basically, museums are free, galleries are free, everything is free and there are a lot of parks. In Korea it is very difficult to find parks, there are not many green areas and to find lots of green areas is really good, I feel at home and it is very relaxing.

I love the British Museum and the Tate Modern; I really suggest going to the Tate Modern if you are interested in art. Even though I was really hopeless at art and painting I feel thrilled to see something that was in my text book in Korea.


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