셰필드대학교 Clearing 시작


셰필드대학교 Clearing이 8월 16일 목요일 영국 현지시간으로 오전 9시부터 시작합니다.

여기서 잠깐~!!
학부과정 지원 마감 후 미달학과 및 학교의 학생 충원을 위해 지원을 받는 것을 말합니다. 이 기간동안 UCAS 지원시기를 놓친 학생이나 불합격 학생들이 다시 한번 영국 대학교에 지원할 수 있는 기회를 얻게 됩니다.

Clearing 지원
대학교 입학심사관이 심사 후 결과를 온라인으로 알림

International office 팀을 통해 입학허가 받은 학생에게 연락

입학허가서 발송

입학허가 accept

비자신청용 입학허가서 CAS 발행

이공계와 법대에서는 뛰어난 학생에게 장학금을 수여합니다.

기숙사 자리가 일부 남아있습니다.

The University of Sheffield will have some places for additional high quality students available through Clearing and Adjustment this year. As throughout the year, we are always happy to welcome applications from suitably qualified students who wish to study at The Times “Higher Education University of the Year”.
Please note we do not have vacancies available in Medicine or Dentistry for any applicant.

Making a Clearing application to The University of Sheffield
All applications must be submitted via our online Clearing system. This will be open for applications from 08:00 GMT on Thursday 16th August. Applications cannot be made before the system is live and applications will not be accepted if submitted any other way.
Applications can be made in four simple clicks: Go to www.sheffield.ac.uk/clearing Click on "Information for Clearing and Adjustment applicants" Click on "Course Vacancies for International applicants" Click on individual subject areas for a list of courses available and a link to the application form

Receiving a decision on a Clearing application
University academic admissions tutors will be considering all applications made via the online Clearing system and recording their decisions online. The International Office team will be calling all students who have been made an offer to advise them of the offer made and what they need to do in order to accept the offer. All offers will then be confirmed in writing.
All offers must be accepted and confirmed via the UCAS system. This ensures the offer is updated on our own admissions system and the CAS email is generated. We ask that students accept their offer immediately in order that this process happens quickly. In order to comply with UCAS policy, we ask that all offers are accepted by August 31st in order that they are guaranteed.

A small number of scholarships are available to applicants of a very high calibre who wish to study in particular departments including those in the Faculties of Science, Engineering and Law. Please do let interested students know about these awards, more information on which can be found at http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/international/enquiry/money/scholarships .

We do still have spaces available in our award winning University accommodation and can provide information and support to students who are looking for somewhere to live in Sheffield. Visit http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/international/enquiry/accommodation for further details.

영국유학센터는 셰필드대학교 한국대표사무소로서 지원을 무료로 도와드립니다.

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셰필드대학교 Clearing 시작
셰필드대학교 Clearing이 8월 16일 목요일 영국 현지시간으로 오전 9시부터 시작합니다. 여기서 잠깐~!!Clearing이란학부과정 지원 마감 후 미달학과 및 학교의 학생 충원을 위해 지원을 받는 것을 말합니다. 이 기간동안 UCAS 지원시기를 놓친 학생이나 불합격 학생들이 다시 한번 영국 대학교에 지원할 수 있는 기회를 얻..
Kings College 2012년 8월 국적비율
Kings Colleges nationality mix: August 2012 Bournemouth London Oxford Country Name % Country Name % Country Name % Turkey 17.3 France 9.0 Turkey 14.9 Italy 11.5 Russian Federation 8.9 Spain 9.4 Spain 11.3 Italy 8.4 Korea 9.2 Russian Federation 10.7 Turkey 8.2 China 6.8 Korea 4.9 Japan 7.4 Kazakhstan..